Your intuition has added a valuable and meaningful insight to the original question in differentiating soul expression from the life plan for an incarnation because the two are not identical. No two souls are alike so, in a sense, there are an infinite number of essences, but the nature of physical existence is quite circumscribed so there will only be room for certain attributes to be on display, and an opportunity to exhibit soul characteristics in definable visible ways to compare and contrast one person versus another. There are many nuances and this is because there are an infinite variety of soul characteristics and degrees of expression and this is what makes one person differ from another. It is not so much that some people have unique abilities, but rather they have a large degree of expression to a greater depth, to a greater degree of perfection, to a greater extreme and ease of learning and carrying out all kinds of manifestations stemming from those soul characteristics. So certain souls are destined to be more of a particular essence than another but do not fall into a rigid classification scheme of this kind. There is too much overlap, too many details and nuances to make hard and fast categorizations.
On the other hand, what is present during an incarnation is a distillation of choices and decisions made in advance, prior to coming down, by the soul of the person choosing an incarnation to begin and then the collaboration with many other beings to decide on a life plan to achieve karmic benefit for the self and others in the soul collective. By coming in with such an agenda, there will be an orchestration of the characteristics to be displayed from the soul makeup of that individual in order to be the right complement to perhaps another person in a family who needs them to play a certain role that will shape their destiny, because they will not just turn this on and then off again once they leave home, for example. It will have a carryover effect because of learning and the development of inner beliefs from this pattern that brings about certain reactions to what takes place and allows a soul expression to cope with a situation or offer some contrast or an outreach to assist or help to nurture, and so forth, depending on the soul characteristic called for in the interplay.
So one of the consequences here is that how a person appears and acts during their lifetime is not necessarily a reflection of their being as a totality. They may be playing a very subservient role in the current incarnation but have been a leader in other lifetimes and vice versa. There is a wide array of soul potentials that can be brought to bear by an individual depending on what may be needed to work on their karmic issues and the greater good of others which is always the intention of everyone choosing incarnation in the earth plane. There is always the subtext of the divine human project and its success or failure. Whether or not there is meaningful work contributed depends on the vagaries of life experience and the many variables, given that people come into life without an ability to connect with their past at a conscious level and see what their agenda might be, nor remember their life plan. So there is always much coaching and work from behind the scenes by divine realm to send hints and suggestions for consideration to help get a person on track and help them develop the characteristics they will most need to be successful with their life plan, so those attributes and strengths that will be needed get activated and some exercising during childhood to help develop the right capabilities, and so forth.
So we would say this classification scheme is but a snapshot during a point in time where people can be compared and contrasted using various measurements of what they are like, what they may be doing, and how it fits in terms of a discernable pattern according to these predefined categories and descriptions. But that is no different than coming in and taking a photo arbitrarily during a particular day and then trying to define a person and their soul by what is in that photo. So a photo taken on a weekend where someone might be in the midst of a tennis game might bring forth many conclusions about the person and their soul makeup. Whereas a photograph taken during the weekday while they may be at work shows a completely different activity and characteristics on display where they might be in an office setting, in a business suit, and engage with an array of computer monitors and communication devices, and this would lead to a quite differing description and assumption of the makeup of the individual.
By the same token, people cannot be defined even by the characteristics of an entire lifetime of activity in a meaningful way because people have predetermined roles that are but a small reflection of their capability and potential. So we would say this makes an interesting and amusing exercise but we do not see it having any meaningful predictive value or insight into soul characteristics per se.
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