DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)A viewer writes: “I come to you humbly today to ask about my husband. I got a ‘knowing’ 4 years ago that he was part of the Mercenary Army Program (MAP) and upon further reflection, that one of his brothers and sisters was involved as well. You confirmed that to be true at the time. Last weekend, I got a similar ‘knowing’ that he has been released and is now safe. I just burst into tears, and want this to be true with all my heart. Can you please check and ask if he is now safe? Are his other two relatives with this history safe now, too?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
We are pleased to share with you that your intuition here is spot-on, that all three of these individuals are, in effect, on a reserve list as veterans with no specific plans to utilize them any further at this point in time at least. That is because of the planned withdrawal of the extraterrestrials for an extended period as a kind of R&R, rest and recuperation, and an experiment as well to allow a future check on how well their various control measures have held up in their absence. What that means is the MAP will be inactive for the duration of that hiatus. If there is a concerted effort made for human healing, it will be possible for all to escape through Ascension before the aliens return, and that would be wonderful news indeed.