DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA viewer writes: “Dear Creator, I am in a terrible state of mind over my eldest son. I have been doing lots for him for a long time as he is a veteran from Desert Storm and he came back a totally different young man. He verbally attacks me, is keeping my grandson from me, being disrespectful and humiliating me in front of others. I am afraid to be alone with him as are others… I am praying hard for him, and have always been loving and supportive of him his whole life, and do not know why he shows so much hate toward me. Please give me some insight on how to help him or just let him go.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Your son is in the grip of having undergone a downward spiral stemming from the trauma he experienced in his military service. This has not been resolved or the consequences lessened through the passage of time, but it has served to do the opposite, to isolate him from the world and leave him in a state of constant stress, much of which he does not understand because it is taking place below his conscious awareness to a significant degree. So it is much worse and a more horrific turmoil than he can describe consciously, but that is affecting his emotions and his demeanor. There, too, he does not know what to do with his feelings because they are not a match to his present environment but are nonetheless quite real to him. Yet he understands his feelings are not appropriate and does his best to contain them most of the time, but it makes him volatile and that is what you sense about him that is disturbing and making you uneasy to be around him. You are feeling secondhand the conflict that has him in its grip. And that is scary to be around, someone in the throes of torment, because it has such a strong energy and is highly negative. This he cannot help and cannot fully control to suppress it. So he lives a life in between a breakdown and recovery. We think much can be done for him through healing. This is a perfect situation to be dealt with through the Divine Life Support membership offered through GetWisdom because regular work can be done for your son and help to lessen his burden and eventually, turn things around. We cannot guarantee success as people, in the end, must be open to the healing. So it is often a kind of contest to see who might win out, the light or the darkness. So given that we know what is possible, we cannot predict what he will do or not do, because he is a free agent and his free will may work against him for some time as we work behind the scenes to turn things around. So it may be slow going, but it is the only way we see that he can come out of this. He needs outside help.