You are not missing anything of significance here. This is disinformation she is enamored of and responding to the siren song. It is driven by her need to understand and surmount the current difficulties as she is understandably, as a human in harm’s way, quite concerned about the current situation and wanting solutions. There will be many like her who are highly sensitive to information and highly intuitive as well, but not in divine alignment to a sufficient degree that their intuitive sensing will automatically filter out inaccurate and unworthy sources of information and then their interest in these areas and concerns will become corrupted, and if that is allowed to take hold and continue, may well drag them down further. She is at risk of this happening as is true for all who take up with faulty sources of information. It is not necessarily a permanent state of affairs. The best you can do is caution her, armed with the channelings you have acquired on these issues of common interest and let her make up her own mind. You cannot force things on anyone and that will be in part a test of her radar, whether it is impartial or whether it is already biased. If you simply stick to facts as you believe them to be and state your general policy of supporting your own information and not the work of others, you are on firm ground and cannot be criticized.
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