DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersA viewer sent me an email describing advanced healing he has done with God’s help to eliminate all the spirit meddlers and extraterrestrials from the Earth except for a few holdouts. What is the truth about his experience over the past 10 months and what is the best strategy for us to respond to him?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This individual, as you saw intuitively, is in the throes of a mental illness situation. This is caused by spirit meddlers having altered his mind. He has been on quite a tear that is a prolonged manic phase of hyperactivity, and an almost euphoric undertaking and experiencing of seeming great works, all of which is a delusion. He is accomplishing nothing because he is succumbing to inner desire for greatness and is operating from the ego-level in what he does. It is not what he thinks, it is not divine, and it is not working. Both are an illusion. It has the semblance of divine work but is not real and is being created by his own mind to make him believe all these things are truly happening when, in fact, they are not. It is most unfortunate, but he needs further healing to recover. Additional Protocol work on his behalf would be helpful here, as it will keep him on a healing path and help to keep him balanced, as much as possible, along the way. There is not much point in tangling with him, you will not be believed over his delusions. To him, it is totally real and that strong inner knowing is heavily reinforced by the darkness, as well. It is best to steer clear of him.