DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA viewer says: “If no one has EVER proved the existence of ANY virus, consequently, there are no vaccines for “viruses” that can be beneficial. I believe that all vaccines are sinister inventions, possibly inadvertent, but nonetheless sinister.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
We must defend science here, not because your channel has been a scientist, but because of higher truth. His current perspective is very much a negative one with respect not only to the pharmaceutical industry and its products, but all of medicine and science in general, because it is so heavily corrupted in so many ways. There is much that cannot be trusted and will actually be harmful in its utilization. There indeed, is a corruption in science that makes the use of vaccines the standard go-to for any new infectious agent that comes along, whether at the level of a pandemic or a garden-variety variant of something causing common illnesses like the flu. This is a very crude approach that has a number of potential downsides. But that is true of every medical intervention, whether it is chemical, biological, or surgical. We would prefer a world without medical science as the great hope of humanity because it is more a holding action and a diversion away from divine healing. But illnesses, infirmities, and scourges of all kinds are quite real and in need of real solutions. Sometimes the medical approach is the best thing available, especially for those not in a position to avail themselves effectively of divine support. The fact that vaccines are often of partial benefit only does not make them useless. There are some that are highly effective and that is true for things like smallpox, rabies, and polio. The science is well established that many classes of viruses are weekly immunogenic, meaning natural immunity cannot be achieved easily with a small stimulus of a viral component. That does not mean viruses are not real, only that some are not amenable to prevention through the vaccine approach. Moreover, the fact that vaccines have been corrupted in being doctored by foreign material and actually by viruses, courtesy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance cannot be blamed on medical science or public health strategies for wanting to have a way to help those who suffer. The blame belongs solely with the Extraterrestrial Alliance who corrupt almost everything to the extent they can get away with it. And in this case, the invisibility of viruses and the difficulty to propagate them easily makes this an extremely simple and effective way to contaminate vaccines with infectious agents and let humans do the dirty work of injecting millions of people. So the argument here is not that medicine needs to be defended, so much as the rejection of the notion of viruses as a kind of red herring. This directs attention away from a very real and potent weapon used by the interlopers against humanity.