DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesA viewer asks: “Why does winter get a little bit more difficult for some every year and what causes seasonal blues for some more than the average person? Anthony William says our livers do send feelings about such things, including Seasonal Affective Disorder, to our emotional selves. Is that what’s happening with me? I’ve been working hard to cleanse my liver, but do not know how effective that has been so far.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This indeed reflects individual variation in vulnerability, in the mood state, and the reaction to the energetics of the life experience dependent on the physicality, in part, not only physical strength, well-being, and resilience, but the energetic component contributed by sunlight that is still not fully understood by science. But at least there is growing appreciation that human health and well-being is invigorated by fresh air and sunlight exposure, being in the out of doors and closer to other living things, and so on. The liver does have an interplay with the emotional state of being and its general health and efficiency will, in some individuals, play out as a mood state that can worsen and become a significant liability that may only be changed with healing of the liver itself. So the workers who promote use of liver cleanses are on the right track, at least in addressing a site of origin of difficulty for many people, if not truly understanding all the mechanistic aspects nor the best way to effect such a cleanup. So there is room for improvement in the nature of various strategies, but most such approaches will have some benefit and especially in those exhibiting such issues it is a solution that fits the problem. The liver takes a beating from all of the negative materials it is subjected to because it is designed to be a general cleansing organ integral to effective housekeeping to keep the body protected from many toxins ingested with the diet. And as a consequence of the many corrupting influences and toxic materials in the environment introduced inadvertently or deliberately delivered in most human beings, the liver is overburdened by the challenges it faces to detoxify this onslaught. So you, personally, are not there yet in having a full resolution of some liabilities that have developed over the course of your life, which is true of many, but you are thinking along the right lines and the things you are doing have merit and will continue to benefit you going forward.