As unlikely and surprising as it might seem, each and every human being had the courage, prior to their incarnation, to return here and subject themselves to all the hazards that might befall them yet again. Even though each and every individual, at some time or another, and many all along the way, have been harmed, often over and over, and grievously, with torture and an early death, this is evidence of divinity of the highest level, that people will give of themselves to help the greater cause of humanity by putting themselves in harm's way and digging a deeper karmic hole, at least taking on the risk of doing so, with a better than average chance they will get additional woundings that add to the backlog of unhealed karmic trauma. But, like human warfare, defending one's interests can come at a high price and it is the brave and courageous who volunteer to fight for freedom and put themselves in peril for doing so. In addition to showing an example of divinity on the march, making such a sacrifice illustrates perfectly that all consider this an extremely important opportunity to do something of tremendous value for the greater good of all.
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