DWQA QuestionsCategory: Physical UniverseA viewer asks: “What positive purpose do innocent bugs like crickets, who fill the evenings with a cacophony of calls, serve in our world? I recall this phenomenon in the country around my old pond on the farm but have noticed it in the city as well. I had thought it was all frogs but in the city it has to be crickets. I suspect they are a marvel for us to enjoy rather than the contrary.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 5 months ago
You are correct in perceiving there is a kind of beauty in the call of the cricket launched with high hopes in the dark of night, seeking a companion. We have made all of nature beautiful. Even many of the predator species have a breathtaking beauty, and a grace in movement, and an awesomeness in their power and stamina. There are exceptions as well, and that is not an accident either. But, for the most part, you appreciate nature because we designed you to be that way, and that is the mirror image of those living things in nature having a pleasing appearance or sound, or some other attribute to delight the senses of human observers. We understood prior to these acts of creation there needed to be a reward involved for living in the physical plane, just as there are rewards in the higher levels of vibration for those beings with awareness. In fact, there is beauty at all levels, but this will be perceived differently by varied sources of consciousness as is appropriate to a multilevel complex whole with endless variations.