DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsA viewer asks: “What, if any, is the distinction between the ancient Hebrews and the Jewish people today?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
There is a very strong bond and interconnection karmically. This has been facilitated by recognizing their heritage and valuing it as a reality. This is an inner knowing that the past affects the present and the future as well, so where one has been and who they are in their origins is directly involved in individual destiny. This is why Jews identify very strongly with their group, in being members, and cherish being a part of that heritage. This is not unique to the Jewish people, of course, but it is particularly strong and notable. In addition, this has been shaped through many, many centuries of being discriminated against and attacked. This has created a kind of survivor mentality, a cultural victimhood that is quite real and has a bearing on things, in many respects, in how people think, act, and feel within, who are from that lineage. So, as much as almost any other group, the Jews are a living testament to the force of karma, both within and without the group as a whole. As a practical matter, as you know, the Law of Karma is mediated, in part, through not only ancestral beliefs of a genetic sort and also through soul connections, but also cultural beliefs as well. So a Jew who marries a Gentile and has an offspring will give birth to a baby that will be connected energetically and likely exposed, depending on the beliefs of the parents and their choices, to the Jewish heritage and its significance, and growing up will be shaped by that reality, if only coming in as a kind of newbie. So each individual is different but there are collective characteristics and commonalities in the history and heritage, the experience base, and the energetics that trace from ancient times to present day and project into the future as well.