DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsA viewer asks: “What did Jesus Christ mean about the “kingdom of heaven” when he used that phrase? Especially the following from the Bible Book of Matthew 6:33, where Jesus says, “But rather seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Also, what kind of things is he referring to here? In another book, Luke 17:21, Jesus says, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” Can Creator explain his meaning or what these words were intended to teach? What are we missing?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
You are reacting to the precise words being used here that seem somewhat foreign to your way of thinking in describing the kingdom of heaven and assigning that to a location within the physical being of human beings. The literal definitions of the words will not help you; they are representing simply the concept of being part of the divine and experiencing being in divine alignment, and thus being closer to us as your origin, your mentor, and your Creator. Jesus Christ was describing belonging to a family of beings that is an extension of our being to begin with, as you are an extension of our consciousness. It was not possible to explain that in the context of that era as people would not have understood, just as people of today will struggle to picture the true meaning. We mean it literally, but the precise understanding of how that can be is not possible on a human level. So the important message was meant to convey that you are not distant from us unless you choose, for we are within you as a part of you already, and all that is needed is for you to reach out to us and embrace us in partnership by inviting us to be a part of your life, to hold us in your thoughts, and interact with us, and this will bring many, many blessings as there are many potential benefits we can bring your way in adding to your quality of life, your health, wealth, happiness, and ability to have love in your life as the greatest of blessings. Those were the things that Christ was alluding to that are the benefit of being close to the divine. The key in the message is, whether that happens is up to you on the human side. We are ever-present and ever at the ready to interact with you, but you must initiate things through your invitation, and that is the true meaning of these Bible passages, at once, simple and profound.