DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA viewer asks: “The database classifies fear as the opposite of love. Can you please revisit this question? I postulate that perhaps the opposite of Love is Judgment at the root cause. There can be no fear without a judgment first. If it is possible to have fear before judgment, for example, a subconscious energetic imprint, can Creator clarify and verify this for us? Are both fear and judgment correct depending on the circumstances?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
The most important aspect for human beings about love and its opposite are the emotional characteristics and consequences more so than the large-scale implications with respect to the universe as a whole. Language is inherently a poor way of conveying meaning of intentions and the feelings they generate. And your question is an example of the potential for misinterpreting or misapplying an accurate representation of what you mean by the words you are choosing, as this will differ somewhat from person to person, if we are not fully descriptive to explain exactly what each word in our answer, with respect to your question, represents. We think your use of the word "judgment" is too vague. For some, it would mean informed opinion and not necessarily a negative reaction from noting, instead of love, a harsher action of some kind. So we think it is clearer to think of the opposite of love as being dislike, including many nuances of disapproval and negation, with hatred being more extreme. In this context, fear is an extreme reaction to someone you dislike because it is a devastating and disempowering emotional state. That is the opposite of love, which is divinity in full flower, much more so than a simple like or preference of someone compared to another. So, in our statement that the opposite of love is fear, we were referring to the energetics of completion or depletion, a state of loving bliss at one extreme and the disabling diminishment of a state of fear at the other. Although many will say that the opposite of love is hate, extreme judgment, even extreme hatred, is a higher vibration than fear or humiliation because the latter result from helplessness, a state of depletion. But there is inner energy available when people are capable of an active dislike or hatred because that is the energy of taking a stand, fighting back, resisting mistreatment or unfairness, or at least wanting to, and that takes strength that is absent in surrendering to fear as the emotional outcome of treatment by another.