DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsA viewer asks: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gaining a great amount of momentum and shining a light on many dark areas as a new Democratic presidential candidate. It’s giving me hope that God can bring something special out in politics again like he did with his father and uncle. I know we need to pray for his protection and that something good could be in the offing, or another assassination if RFK Jr. does get close to power or attains it. What can Creator tell us about that?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
All the questions and individual concerns here are reasonable and valid given the history of the Kennedy family having a string of humanitarians killed in action one by one, and now here comes yet another, so it is understandable and only natural to fear the worst here. He is truly being courageous in calling out injustice and those who traffic in deception, those entrusted with the safety and security of the nation, who are not only ignoring problems but adding to them. There is nothing more dangerous than pointing out, "The Emperor has no clothes!" We will not make a prediction here about the potential for a dark turn of events. In all likelihood he will simply not get anywhere given the current political system is closed to positive change and those who espouse it. People who have common sense, are in touch with real issues, and have a sense of real practical solutions typically get sidelined and never reach a position where they are a serious candidate; they will be eliminated in primaries or will be sidelined in other ways but never elected to power. This is because the darkness is in control. When things don't go their way, it is a rarity, and although it does happen, that is reckoned with, and usually in a way that will end up with things being worse than if their plans had not been forestalled. They have a way of upping the ante and making humanity pay dearly for any gains they are able to eke out, given the strong headwinds working against humanity each and every day, so time will tell.