DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA viewer asks: “Recently, several sources have been allowing those who have had near-death experiences describe those who went to Hell. However, these go into deep details of horrific torture usually with a guide such as Jesus Christ. Showing how they, too, will be tortured, in how and what graphic ways as the Pit of Fire. My question is, to be so realistic in their mind, is this just a manifestation of their own judgment as a thought stream, or is it, in fact, created by the dark spirits in conjunction with the Extraterrestrial Alliance using religious symbolism?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
This can happen in response to all three sources of imagery, in having a dark experience that seems quite real and may well have real implications about possible future suffering. So people can dream or fantasize in recalling dream material, especially from nightmares of hellish places and torments which, in part, can be the result of religious fervor imparted through well-meaning spiritual leaders invoking such fears, as taught through religious beliefs, that Hell exists when, in fact, it does not. That does not mean it is impossible to have a hellish experience, either as a living physical human or especially when one is in spirit form, even experienced by the consciousness when free-roaming in the lower astral plane, as with astral travel. This is because the lower astral plane is influenced heavily by the spirit meddlers who are demonic beings now. Even though they are angelics who fell from grace, they are very far gone, in having turned dark, and engage frequently in the torment of others. They create imagery to terrify people as well as lost soul spirits who fail to transition fully and remain at risk in limbo. There is a fiery pit they have created, through their conscious intentions, as a way to terrify spirits of human beings under their control. People can have intuitive awareness of these realities shown to them, or through their own roaming about through their wanderings from the body during sleep time, for example. This has happened many, many times because the spirit meddlers, who attach to people, know all the tricks that will invoke painful experiences and ramp up fearful emotions, because it serves them as a source of energy very much to their liking, being low vibrational beings to begin with, and that is the game they play, to torment the living in order to siphon off the energy this summons. The best defense is to have a partnership with the divine and to nurture it so it strengthens over time, and this will increase safety and security across the board. That is what nightly prayers were designed to do, to carry someone through the night safely, to avoid such encounters. The protocols of your channel available through GetWisdom, are the very best and most powerful way to get divine assistance to clear away such intrusive energies and keep people safe from harassment.