DWQA QuestionsCategory: CreatorA viewer asks: “One of the things I was told, from a very young age, is that God is omniscient, including all future events. Recently a prediction on the subject of US power outages for November 8 failed to materialize. Refusing to throw out the baby with the bath water, as the relationship I have built up with Creator thanks to GetWisdom and the Lightworker Healing Protocol feels very true, I am left with the conclusion that Creator can sometimes fail to predict the future. Is this because of freewill and the rules of engagement (to never lead), or is there another reason?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
We understand your concern here, and applaud you for being wise to reflect on this before giving up on us as either not being real, or perhaps hearing from an imposter pretending to be the Almighty, because we are not meeting with your presumed standard for divine ability. As your channel has heard from us before, and shared with his listeners in various presentations, the truth of things is quite simple. We, indeed, are all-knowing but the caveat is the future is quite volatile and predicting what will happen is, in many cases, non-rewarding and even misleading. It is at best, a kind of snapshot of the future potential underway at the moment, but if something changes or a number of things change, as typically happens, that future event may well be shifted in time or even negated by the intervening events underway which alter the energies and potentials. So the bottom line here, is that we always know the future and are therefore omniscient. It is simply that the future is ever-changing and volatile and not in our direct control. That is where the idea of free will comes in, that we are not running things, decreeing what happens and controlling the inputs and outputs, energetically. You are in the land of free agency and free will and that is absolute, that we stay out of it unless invited in, very specifically, and with very careful rules of engagement. We cannot be leading, to reveal too much about what you do not already know, because that might change things and, in effect, becomes us influencing you in much the same way as a puppetmaster. So the event in question was not human-inspired or human-directed, but entirely the planning of extraterrestrial interlopers who do, indeed, have plans and a calendar of events they have strategized to launch. But that is changeable and can be altered at any point when things happen that could cause a complication, resulting in a delay for implementing plans for the future we, perhaps, have told someone about through our channeling. With the ever-changing nature of things, there is much variability and this makes for much uncertainty, particularly about timing. It is quite common that significant events are planned and get carried out but the timing will be changeable, and there may be a series of changes. So if one was getting a future projection about the major event in question, and then did so again, and then did so yet again, each of the predictions might describe a different timeline because of intervening events changing the potentials. It is also not uncommon that a serious event that is quite harmful to humanity undergoes a change in plans and the enterprise gets shelved for months or even years and perhaps canceled altogether. So projections of it coming about will depend for their accuracy on when we were consulted and what was happening along that sequence of changeable circumstances. So the bottom line is, we are as much a victim of free will as you are in having to be hands-off most of the time. And what that means is, many of our plans will change because of the doings of humans and interlopers as well, so we must follow along and work with the energies to interweave the answers to prayer requests, for example, and what might be done by way of inspiration to give encouragement, support, and perhaps some insight for people to consider when something along those lines has been requested by advocates on the behalf of particular individuals or groups or people themselves, through prayer, wanting divine guidance. We assure you that the fact we are so little in evidence as a force in your world is solely a product of the challenging paradigm underway, to put humans in charge of their world and give them the charter to solve the problem of evil. We cannot act on our sympathies unilaterally, but must let things play out as decided by the physical beings in the ongoing contest, much of the time. The more you reach out to us as an advocate for humanity and especially, to use not only empowered prayer but to do healing as a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, you can be a change agent to enlist our help more directly, and tip the balance in your favor for saving and healing humanity.