DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialA viewer asks: “My question concerns how fast humans might advance given the opportunities to do so. It seems to me that even if humanity is thrown into a more difficult situation before being given a reprieve from our perpetrators, we still might be able to move forward spiritually in a rapid manner. If given the chance would technologies like nuclear fusion and the ability to see interdimensional life through advanced telescopes that would be super cold… Allow us to have the energy and the new knowledge to understand that the spiritual and/or divine is a scientific reality? Which in turn could change humanity’s focus quite rapidly toward spiritual development, allowing for an ascension event to become a more realistic possibility?”
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
Yours is a nice idea. The problem is, using science to foster belief in the divine is very unlikely to be of much help because science itself is a blind alley at the present time, highly constrained and limited in its purview, and thus its influence will be uncertain at best and more likely to run counter to spiritual beliefs and principles. This is because science is so hidebound and manipulated to become corrupted and quite limited in what it will entertain and to what extent. It is also the case that what needs to happen in the way of healing, and a growing understanding and acceptance of the divine to bring that about, will not rely on technology. There are no technologies that will accomplish what is needed. It is a problem of consciousness and the healing needs as well, are aspects of consciousness needing a tune-up. Unfortunately, science will not lead you there. The learning and growth needed will start with spiritual awareness, as with the many research-focused probings by your channel, which one day will help foster new science to advance human understanding. Until that has changed the culture sufficiently, science will continue to lag well behind the understanding of reality being gained by spiritual seekers who are in divine alignment.