DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA viewer asks: “My daughter’s face has again broken out with acne. This has been worked on previously. I’m wondering if the deep subconscious channeling will help?”
Nicola Staff asked 8 months ago
We think this is an excellent use of the resource. Dealing with viruses is not at all straightforward as many people assume, that because they are lowly organisms they cannot stand up to divine intervention but feebly, and so ought to be a simple matter to round up and send packing. That is a lack of understanding in how we operate. We must take into account all existing consciousness and acknowledge its place in things even if misguided or perverted in some way to cause harm. We cannot weigh in with arbitrary judgments and start dismantling things. It must be done through the works of physical beings in the physical plane. So the intention of the host is all-important in surmounting the intrusion of a chronic virus like this. You are acting largely in your daughter's stead as an advocate and your channel has been at times as well. And so the same is true of the protocol work you are hiring others to do on your daughter's behalf. The DSMR in particular and its variants as done by those practitioners is the proper and ideal way to continue working on the virus issue and that will pay off down the line. It is the only way to change the consciousness deep within and will be an important adjunct in allowing a deep repair to be fully successful, eventually. Having intermittent flare-ups when dealing with a chronic virus is quite typical of the course of events. It is rare that everything is taken care of in one fell swoop, but that does not mean complacency is in order, either. More healing always will help accelerate things and that is what you want to have happen, to have things working in your favor so progress will be sooner and the benefits as well.