DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “My Aikido instructor went down in class last Monday and we took him to the hospital where he spent 3 days and was discharged last Wednesday. He has lost his balance, and while the investigation centers around vertigo – he doesn’t think that’s quite it. They are doing testing on his ears now to see if they can find the cause there. He said it’s been coming on for over a month now and was steadily getting worse. Now he’s all but incapacitated and can’t tend to his horses, do his beloved Aikido, etc. He has exceptionally poor balance, and can hardly get around. They ran all kinds of tests, cat scans, MRI, x-rays, etc., and couldn’t find anything. I’ve done a Lightworker Healing Protocol session of spiritual healing for him, and I’ll do more. Can you check on him, and maybe even run it by Creator to see if this is something that can be fixed, or something that is chronic and something he’ll have to adjust to?” What can we tell him, and do to help?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is happening due to the stirring up of a karmic issue from a parallel lifetime and it is manifesting at this point in time because his life up to this point has prepared him to be a match to aspects of the prior karma. The wheel of karma is relentless in its workings and often seems to strike at the very worst time when people are young and innocent or perhaps at their peak in many respects, doing well and enjoying life and accordingly it seems quite unfair to be struck down by a malady of some kind coming out of nowhere and drastically reducing the quality of life and curtailing their future in many cases. That is almost always an element of the karmic energies in play, that one aspect needs to be there is something there to lose because that is in the nature of what must be paid back in service to the karmic debt. When one is at rock bottom, to have another setback and source of difficulty cannot exact the same level of injury if it can hardly be felt because the person in so depleted and ends up being little changed by yet another burden. The answer here is to do Protocol work and this will address eventually all of the karmic predisposing factors for this to have emerged. This can bring about a slow healing and can be very effective. It is not a certainty because much will depend on his openness and willingness to have progress take place. If he embraces the seeming reality of his dilemma and holds on too tightly, he can, in effect, carve it in stone and make it a permanent fixture of his life, but this is not necessary. If he is open to healing, it can happen.