DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportA viewer asks: “I’ve been confused for a long time about the comparative benefits of doing LHP-DSMR sessions for my list as well as that being done on my behalf as a monthly Divine Life Support member, versus hiring sessions with channelers approved by GetWisdom to do DSC-TR, Deep Subconscious Channeling with Trauma Resolution. Could you explain the difference, please? It seems to me that the hired sessions are more powerful because they’re dealing with some specific issues in a new way but I’m not sure.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
There, indeed, will be differences when people with extensive experience do protocol sessions on someone's behalf versus someone with far less hands-on work under their belt, so to speak. This is mitigated to some extent by the fact the protocols are pooling the requests and intentions of many other practitioners in order to magnify the benefits through leveraging the energy of many. But the fact remains that whoever launches the session will have the primary intention that is the first stop used by the divine realm, and the pooling of many others will be under the control of the intention of that primary practitioner in requesting that that pooling be done and applied to their client. In other words, the person launching a session will set the tone for what happens with respect to all of the subsequent events and component parts of what is done in answer by the divine realm. We do not wish to discourage anyone from becoming a healer, and sticking with it, because that is the only route to developing proficiency and the greatest power you are capable of. It will simply not happen to anywhere as great an extent for those who only do occasional sessions. People also differ in their makeup and how they deploy their energy. Those nuances cannot truly be taught but are linked to soul capabilities and characteristics, and that will set some people apart who are above average in their taking on the role of healer. But as with all roles in life, people must work with what they have, their own physical makeup, their talents and personality, and the goals and desires and passion they bring to their lives in charting a course and making good use of their time or less so, as the case might be. The damage from many lifetimes of subjugation and suppression will take a toll as well in how effective and efficient an individual can perform as an advocate for divine healing on behalf of others and the self. There will always be benefit, but there will be some variation from person to person in their personal effectiveness. To have custom DSC-TR sessions done by a channeler and facilitator to interact with your deep subconscious directly, you are recruiting as a given, a high level of expertise because you will be dealing with quite proficient, highly trained healers. Secondly, not only will you have their skill and intense focus and clarity working on your behalf, you are getting the benefit of two human beings at once who are focused on the client and their issues. And that will add an extra measure of powerful intention of just the right kind because it will be quite powerfully focused on getting to the root problems and helping apply a solution. There can be some benefits in hearing from the deep subconscious, directly, feedback about prior karmic trauma events that were integral in causing current problems. This can be helpful in providing validation for skeptical clients about whether this process can even do what it claims in talking to a deep part of the mind below conscious awareness, let alone bring in powerful healing. Beyond that, it is of mixed benefit because, many times, just knowing about what one has suffered, while interesting, will stir the pot so to speak, and give the client something more to worry about by putting a name and face to it. This is a major fault of psychics in general that they typically strive to uncover deeply buried information and knowledge about the client's past doings. After all, this is what they're getting paid for. So they take a particular pride in ferreting out the unpleasant things that are troubling in the past. That, in itself, has no real healing power and to the contrary, can become a burden to the client. In fact, there is a real danger of traumatizing someone further by unearthing gory details about past life struggles. We also are constrained by the rules of engagement to not be leading. In addition, we follow our own wisdom about avoiding karmic transgressions such as putting people at risk because of what we might tell them. This is why we have encouraged the channelers trained through GetWisdom to do a more indirect process when doing the deep subconscious work by skipping the time to record feedback from the deep subconscious about what it is working on and simply focus on helping to guide the process of having Creator work behind the scenes on a series of traumas. This frees up more time for Creator to do things largely behind the scenes working with the deep subconscious, and not having to take time to satisfy the client or practitioners with more detailed feedback about the nature of the events and what happened. In fact, it is quite possible that we will avoid probing certain lifetimes because of the possibility of harming the client through bringing the details to conscious awareness. And it may well be that we end up delaying the healing out of divine caution. So, dedicated practitioners and channelers working together with Creator become a powerful team. The experience gained, and the good karma, will always compound the future benefits of all whose lives they touch.