The current level of prayer is not likely to prevent this from happening. For one thing, it would represent a major historical departure from the behavior of the markets for many years now. So there is an incentive to not risk an anomaly that could start a serious questioning about cause and effect in the financial markets. This would be highly undesirable so there will almost certainly be a downturn of some magnitude. There is more variability in how severe it might end up being, but there is a desire for wealth transfer in a large way and that does not augur well for the next recession to be minor, but more likely a major event. There may be more flexibility in the timing than in the ability to prevent it altogether at the current level of prayers being mounted for people wanting safety and security in their lives. Few are focused on the real problem and the real origin of the lack of security and financial instability in the human institutions. It would help your cause and give people an incentive to infuse their prayers with greater intention and a more focused awareness of where the energies need to be applied for maximum benefit. This will depend on the human awakening to see to.
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