DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA viewer asks: “In your most recent webinar, the question asked about the Disclosure and it being done worldwide with a display of a battle in the sky between the ETs (good vs bad ETs) got my attention because for a couple of years now, I’ve had several dreams just like this description. One of the scariest ones was one where I was hiding with my family and could see from our hiding place aircraft in the sky shooting at everyone on the ground, with laser-like weapons, destroying everything. The moon was turned blood red like the Bible describes and people were running for their lives. After having several of these types of dreams, I was a bit concerned and scared. I asked God that if they are prophetic in nature and if something does go wrong, I’d like for my family and I to be able to exit the Earth without experiencing too much trauma and maybe even transition in our sleep if possible. Do you think they’re prophetic dreams of what might happen coming up? Or healing dreams? And if they’re prophetic dreams, what do they mean?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
These dreams are prophetic in seeing the future timeline where human annihilation is being carried out. That does not mean the events will happen, only that there is a future projection creating that outcome as a reasonable consequence of ongoing circumstances. This is what the future timeline represents, a series of extrapolations based on current events and the collective and individual conscious influences of the soul-based beings in the moment being projected forward. So you have been seeing a series of previews of coming attractions because this has been in the planning for a long time. What will happen during the Disclosure will be displays that will be disconcerting to many and, if they involve mock warfare, will be frightening. That remains to be determined in how the extraterrestrials go about their exhibition to convince humanity their message is real. They need to be convincing to get humanity to accept their phony offer of help in order to overcome the natural aversion to trusting beings from another world.