We do not see any of these things individually or even in combination as a dealbreaker that will hold you down to the extent it would prevent Ascension. In the meantime, there is deep healing needed to get there not necessarily involved with these particular symptoms. We have said in prior channelings that people do not need to be healed completely and, in fact, that would be impossible because the backlog is so large as to need more than one lifetime for almost everyone. So we want to put your mind at rest here, that these signs of discord are simply indicating more work is needed for your healing, but this is not rate-limiting for Ascension preparation. You will not know exactly what is needed and what needs to happen to be ready, but you can trust that we will be assisting this healing deep within. As long as you do your best to keep going and not add too greatly to your troubles through poor life choices and neglecting to do a regular divine outreach through prayer, for example, but rather do all you can to continue working on partnering with the divine, it will put you in position for things to flow naturally to this eventual turning point.
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