DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA viewer asks: “I was wondering, what is Creator’s opinion or perspective on positive energies who have crossed over that return to Earth and place themselves in dolls to be companions for those in need? Also, what is Creator’s opinion on earthbound spirits that get bound to objects that one can help Spirit Rescue?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
Beings in the light do not come back to inhabit the physical in that fashion except perhaps for brief encounters with human beings in a non-leading way. So any such manifestation, particularly if it is prolonged and seems to have its own initiative and life agenda, is most likely a spirit that never fully crossed over. It might be assumed to be a former light being but such will not likely be the case. There is a trafficking of spirits that are tethered to physical objects like this. That is a kind of exploitation taking advantage of their vulnerable state of being and incapacity to change their circumstances themselves, so their consciousness is hostage to the consequence of the tethering. However it came about, it will have a huge influence on the range of movement and will make that spirit literally a sitting duck that can be exploited by others. This might not be in a harmful fashion. Some owners of tethered spirits are simply seeking companionship, even a love object, to provide them with something desirable they may not get elsewhere. But the hapless spirit will be living a much less complete existence by remaining in limbo even if there is a communication with living humans to some degree intuitively. That is not a life-fulfilling arrangement. They are, in effect, being held back from a full transition back to the heavenly realm where they need to go in order to make wise decisions about their further journeys. So it is a karmic misstep to maintain tethered spirits like that unless a concerted effort is mounted to help them transition.