DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “I want to let you know that this morning I had my echography with my doctor. To our surprise, the placenta wasn’t placed over my cervix. Which means I don’t have placenta previa and it will be safe to do a natural birth. Could you check with Creator what has happened here? Did the doctor make a wrong analysis the first time? Or did a miracle occur with the LHP by my mom who specifically asked for a miracle? What is Creator’s perspective?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
We are very happy to tell you that this was a miracle, and one that happens very frequently, although often unnoticed as a consequence of the healing with the protocols, the LHP and DSMR, both, as a means of lifting karmic burdens and causes of illness, accordingly. We truthfully cautioned about why this is a complicated business in order to reinforce the point it can't be assumed to be a given that a serious health issue is easy to fix and will likely happen through divine intervention. As you know well, divine healing is never guaranteed to take place when most wanted in the moment, and will often take more than one lifetime depending on the nature of the difficulty and depth and breadth of karmic entanglements that fuel the negativity. This was a circumstance where we were able to engage with retrocausal healing, precisely because you were a beneficiary of the protocol work as well as prayers of loved ones done on your behalf. But, as is usually the case now, existing and new prayers will be made increasingly effective because they will be utilized by steps in the protocols to carry out a more effective solution for human problems than has heretofore been possible throughout human history. You have seen this before, following medical exams that are a recheck, often albeit with more precise and sensitive tools, that the doctors are surprised to see the person is actually healthy instead of what they thought. They commonly attribute it to perhaps over-eagerness or over-concern or perhaps a procedural miscue of some sort that allowed a misinterpretation to slip through. While they are scratching their heads and inwardly feeling somewhat sheepish in some cases, we know what happened and why, and in this case, divine healing saved you from the fear and uncertainty of a serious medical problem to complicate your pregnancy.