DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “I really need your help with my son who signed up for the Marines and he is supposed to leave on Monday the 29th. Unfortunately, his father is trying everything for him not to leave. I really don’t know why. His father has been crying every single day on the phone and whenever my son is visiting him. The father has been confusing him by playing his tricks. I really want you to remove all the spells, magic, manipulation, and cords that are attached to him by his father. I really want you to please free my son from his father so my son can use his brain. Also please ask the Creator why his father is doing this? Will my son be able to leave with grace and ease.” This plan is days away. Is there time to intervene?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
We have been working on this problem from the very beginning, in your signing on this client, and that is based on the fact you have asked for all who approach you as a potential client who will be signed up, to begin receiving immediate healing help, retrocausally, once everything is in place and the deal has been set. So you need not worry about a delay here in getting going with the formal requests from the mother in conveying this as part of a session. We will continue working on this. It is challenging because of the strong karmic history between the two parties. The dynamic of power and control is a large factor in their energies of karmic origin. They have been in past lives together where they clashed and where there was a kind of arm wrestling for dominance. There is bad blood as well in the history, because the parties have not always played fair or been acting from appropriate inner emotional motives, but rather have been subject to lower vibrations involving envy, jealousy, resentment, and fear. This is what karma can do. People are picking up where they left off, in a sense, because the karmic energies will bring back around difficulties that have a prior impact and left woundings in place. Those woundings will still rumble and will connect to the parties with cordings and convey negative energy from what seems to be long ago in other lifetimes, so that it intrudes on the current incarnation and that can greatly upset the individual. When the both of them are going at it in a test of wills, with differing perspectives about what is best for your son's future, it goes far beyond the rational, carefully considered weighing of pros and cons in what is truly highest and best for him and his future. It will trigger all of the prior clashes and struggles between the two of them for power and control. There is no logical or reasoned way to look at it because it will not make sense in terms of the current life setting for any of the participants here. They are in a new chapter with differing circumstances, objectives, possibilities, and destinies. The real issue is whether your son can be set free to make his own choices. This is what you wish for him. His father does not want to let go and that is because of the old karmic struggle governing his thoughts, feelings, and actions. Healing karma can be a considerable challenge, given it is a birthright to be a free agent and to have free will to choose whatever one desires without hindrance. For us to change someone's inner intentions that are always based on inner beliefs and strong emotional attachments, many times to an ongoing history of being in a relationship, for example, makes the intention they hold quite strong. We cannot simply wipe that away and override it because it is not to your liking or to your son's. The same is true for his desires and his choices. We cannot alter those to favor the father, for example. We believe people need to chart their own course and this is why we stand aside and let people choose their path. Only if we are invited to become involved, will we do so, and even there we cannot arbitrarily make changes. There must be a negotiation, at least with the client's higher self, if not the individual directly, for permission to make any adjustments in things. So this is a complicated matter and a delicate one as well. The father has rights to hold his views and he has a large stake in things because of the karmic entanglement. That is only natural between father and son. When it is further informed through prior lives together, in whatever roles, that adds a richness and complexity because there may be quite a strong mix of energies leaning to the negative if there has been difficulty. Those things that are normal and neutral, or positive, can be a positive influence, but will not necessarily override strong negative ones. Here again, it is human choice for people to decide their future and they can only act, based on what they feel, an imperfect gauge of things but real and valid nonetheless, because that is all they have, lacking deeper awareness of the history and great insight about all that might happen as a result of the choices made. So we cannot choose for them either, or for you. We understand what you wish to see happen, so we will do all we can to work on healing this prior karmic clash that is making this such a heated argument from differing perspectives, and see what that can do. There is not much time to work with, and that is a further serious complication as well, but it is best to get started, and to work on this also for the sake of both of their futures. These karmic forces are the result of woundings, the disappointments and sorrows of past squabbles that left serious wounds because they led to outcomes that were painful. So they need healing attention to set things right and restore a healthy balance in the energies. The clock never runs out on the benefits of doing healing for anything. Even if it's too late to affect your son's travel plans, there will be other things that develop as a source of disagreement, and beyond the relationship with the boy's father, he needs to find his way in life, ultimately, with or without an ongoing dialogue with his father. This history is the kind of thing that can undermine self-confidence, having an ability to interact in a healthy way with authority figures, and so on. So the value of healing this goes beyond the present disagreement. The more healing that can be done, the less there will be a need for another go-round with these two needing to struggle with each other, or someone to fill that role. Each person could find they are in a relationship where power and control again triggers a reawakening of old business and it will resonate and perhaps harm a new relationship with a third party, and this could be true for the both of them. So this healing will be ongoing and we will do all we can to iron out the differences coming from old trauma that no longer needs to have an influence on current events and choices.