DWQA QuestionsCategory: Physical UniverseA viewer asks: “I have read articles regarding physicists believing that the world/universe is a hologram. Is there any merit to this?”
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
There are, indeed, a number of individuals from varied perspectives who use the idea of a hologram as a kind of model construct to help explain the variety and strangeness of physically observable phenomena, and especially the experiencing of conscious awareness in the midst of it all as observers. This is but a quite superficial mechanistic analysis and representation of something far more vast and complex that is deeper and richer than a holographic projection that, after all, is simply a representation of something in existence. It is the actuality of existence to begin with, which is a profound mystery beyond human reckoning. We certainly support such endeavors as these speculations and ruminations, because curiosity is helpful and human yearning will always be supported. We are just saying there is a long ways to go to make this understandable to the average person.