DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA viewer asks: “I don’t believe this question has been asked or explored explicitly. When the interlopers “rewind” time, doesn’t it affect everyone in the entire galaxy – including THEMSELVES??? Now of course, I assume they have developed some technological means to keep track of all these restarts, but aren’t the personal memories and experiences affected just as profoundly as for humans? How do they personally confront this dilemma? Do they have some kind of “ALERT!” system that informs them post-restart that a restart has occurred, in which case they drop what they’re doing and immediately review the “restart notes” or “restart bread crumb trail” they left for themselves, or have they developed a technological means by which their own personal memories are shielded and protected from the effects that everyone (every physical sentient being) in the galaxy is equally subject to?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
This is a seeming enigma that would disallow a fruitful preplanned excursion back in time because then there would be no way to still have a memory of why the time travel restart was being done and to retain extra knowledge about what might need to be done differently during the redo being launched in order to have a better future outcome. The answer is in the fine points of the workings of time in considering that the major timeline always produces a future extension. So once a decision is made to go back in time and restart the major timeline, what has taken place will indeed erase any conscious awareness of people living at that point in time of the restart because their future, in being cancelled, has not yet happened to them in effect, directly. But in actuality, the first go-round will have been a prominent future extension of the life lived by those who were in existence just prior to the point of return for the restart. So all that is needed is to have an ongoing inspection of future timelines by a vigilance mechanism and effort, to keep an eye on the future to see when someone has made the decision to come back in time and that becomes a major turning point to note, along with what was taking place in making that decision and the projection of what might be needed to happen to achieve a differing future following the restart. So that information is viewable and capturable because it is accessible through a future time travel inspection after the rewind is done and the current timeline restarted at a prior timepoint.