This is not useful advice for most individuals. Eggs, indeed, are an excellent source of nutrition and a kind of foundation used again and again by peoples all around the world. This is why the chickens were created, not only to provide more chickens, but huge eggs that would provide an important and effective source of high nutritional value for human sustenance. It is a misinterpretation that viruses feed off of eggs. There are many subtleties in the influence of nutritional substances on the body, not all of which can be clearly explained using the English language nor can they be understood scientifically. So this is a generalization that is not truly the damning indictment that it seems on the surface. Many times, Williams will give nutritional advice that involves a kind of restriction or refocusing of the diet on particular foodstuffs in order to accomplish an energetic and chemical objective within the body for a particular reason. That does not mean it is the only way to accomplish that objective. And in many cases, promoting healing through diet manipulations of that kind is, in effect, a kind of primitive approach when the desired benefits could be requested of the divine realm directly.
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