DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionA viewer asks: “Dear Creator, I would like to ask what it is that makes some children so prone to dismantle and literally destroy all kinds of items at their disposal, or the constant fiddling with things until they break; like digging random holes in the ground, break toys, gardening tools, or plant pots, remove every limb of a doll or figure, etc., and all this without any full understanding of what impulses them to do this in the first place?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago

There can be many reasons for such behavior. You have described perfectly the plight of the child not fully appreciating the value of things around it or an experience base that could caution them about things that are breakable and might be quite costly and need to be avoided, and so forth. Your description is the classic one of being a bull in a china shop leading to catastrophe. And that is a quite analogous situation in having a beast full of energy with no clue about the consequences of what it can do quite easily, to knock things over, crush them underfoot, or bang on them to see what will happen. There is a further spectrum of worsenings that your question does not describe explicitly, but your fear about the possibility implies there can be inner impulses to be excessively destructive even knowing things have a value and breaking them renders them useless, but proceeding anyway. This is often called "acting out" by psychologists referring to the fact a child may be harboring hostile feelings and their anger needs an outlet. It is safer to break a toy in anger than injure a playmate or a parental figure one depends on.

The question then becomes, "Is there too frequent a pattern of such outbursts and excessive behaviors, and especially, what are the causes and outside influences that perhaps trigger, encourage, or reward such behavior?" At an extreme, children can exhibit heartless, cold, and cruel conduct like harming animals, setting homes on fire, and so forth. Those are pathologies, truly, of the soul expression and a serious matter requiring divine healing intervention to have a chance at righting the ship in time for such a child to have a normal life, eventually. Sometimes, seeming behavioral extremes are the result of developmental delays so a child of a certain age can cause more consternation through exhibiting emotional extremes and the consequential "acting out," which appears more inappropriate and potentially dangerous than when considered as the product of someone who is emotionally immature to begin with. So it is a complicated issue but the answers always point to the healing protocols to address whatever the underlying causes might be.