DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerA viewer asks: “Creator, what if you pray and you pray and you feel the answer is silence. You pray and you pray and every aspect of life is seemingly getting worse. You pray and pray, but no small encouraging signs with no glimpse of relief. Then, what to do to keep up the spirit and to keep praying?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
If, in turning to prayer again and again to form a partnership with Creator in order to change something about your life or circumstances, and things are not changing rapidly enough for your liking, by stopping you will be closing off the opportunity to add further power of intention to your prayer requests by keeping them going. And, in fact, if in stopping you create new intention that is resignation, doubt, disappointment, and resentment even, that the divine is not seeming to listen to you and favor you with assistance, you may be actively undercutting what has been launched through the many prayer attempts previously. That is an investment that can still pay off if you want that to be so. There are no promises that prayers will be answered quickly. Many times, those who are patient and watchful will see eventually, their prayers being answered at long last and perhaps in an unexpected way. What they are doing with their watchfulness is sustaining the expectation, keeping hope alive, and adding fuel to the partnership. What is called for here is patience. If you pray out of fear and desperation because you suffer greatly, you might see that as establishing a high priority from that high level of need as worthiness to be asking under such circumstances. But such prayers might be compromised at the outset because you are in a low vibration when you suffer, and that might undermine the intensity of the inner support needed from your end of things to get the most out of the divine request. That might seem unfair to you, but it is simply the way energy works and we both must reckon with the energetics of every interchange. We cannot exceed the boundaries of what you, yourself, establish. Sometimes, what is needed is to build up the intention through repetition in order to speed the process of divine intervention in answer to prayer. There are always many variables in play, and no two circumstances are identical. Some things are easy to shift. Others might take a lifetime to make a dent in the symptoms being experienced of a karmic dilemma. You will not know whether an issue has a shallow and simple origin or a deep and complex one. We would encourage you to keep going with your requests. Keep it up. Keep up the prayer as a routine, because it is not wasted motion. It is adding fuel to the enterprise each and every time you mount prayers for something to happen, and that is very much worth doing. If you do the repetition with a deliberate intention to be partnering with Creator and let yourself feel that as an enterprise, regardless of what you perceive as the outcome, just to be doing it will help to raise you up and further empower you. You can ask for that enhancement as well, to have your prayers be more effective and as powerful as can be arranged and acted on as swiftly as is feasible. Any time you pray in earnest and with conviction, you are adding more fuel than if you do it routinely, and are just going through the motions. Caring about the outcome is helpful and holding a high vibration of loving kindness will put you on Creator’s wavelength and facilitate the interchange so you will not be getting in the way of a response. We suggest using the prayer empowerment e-book from GetWisdom as a nice review of many of the principles involved with mounting successful prayers with empowerment, and view that as our encouragement of you to believe more in yourself and your standing to be accepted and supported by the divine. That will help you stand strong as you are making your prayer outreach and waiting for a benefit.