DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA viewer asks: “Creator has mentioned before that the Internet, WiFi signals, and cell phone signals are one of many tools ETs use to monitor, control, and harm humans. To what extent can improved Internet security measures such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), mobile hotspot devices rather than cell phone connections, privacy-friendly browsers, private search engines, malware-blocking tools, etc., mitigate ET control and manipulation? Are these likely to be beneficial technologies to humans, or are Empowered Prayers of Protection generally sufficient and more effective? Is it wise to avoid Internet and cell phone use where feasible?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
We have warned many times now that exposure to the technologies widely relied on, and ubiquitous in your society for communication, has a severe downside. You have come to depend on it so it is almost unthinkable to live without it and, in fact, things have been deliberately arranged so that is almost impossible. There are ways to minimize the risk—one is to turn off WiFi servers at night, unplug things, stay off screens from all devices as much as possible because of the constant programming being done subliminally. The human-level security measures you describe are of value in protecting from human monitoring and manipulation but will have little effect on what the extraterrestrials can do. Much of their manipulation is done through mind control manipulation directly, via extraterrestrial psychics, and that is above and beyond any technological platform in the execution. So the best one can do is arrange a moderate level of safety, but it will not be absolute. Work is being done in earnest to blanket the world with WiFi signals, and this will include much manipulation and programming that works in conjunction with implanted devices that are almost unavoidably ingested in food and beverages. There are few places to hide left in your world.