DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessA viewer asks: “Creator has mentioned before that seeing possible futures, to some degree, is a real phenomena. For example, the CIA conducted research into psychic abilities, including precognition and remote viewing, through programs like Project STARGATE; author Salman Rushdie reveals in his memoir “Knife” that he had a premonitory nightmare two days prior to the knife attack, etc. How wise is it to attempt to develop precognition abilities given that some aspects of premonitions seem to play out and not others? What should be done if someone has had a dream or vision of a possible impending disaster or a crime or something else undesirable?”
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
While on the surface it would seem to be that having such precognition would be a tremendous advantage, that is rarely the case. It is rare in the sense wanting it is not the same as getting it. There must be innate capability, able to be reawakened if not already in awareness. In today's world, that rarely happens because of the Secular Movement and the lack of appreciation for the paranormal and the reality of such phenomena as psychic abilities. Even when believed in, as witnessed in others, most people do not see themselves as likely candidates. There are definite liabilities in having paranormal ability. The adage, "Be careful what you wish for," applies here. You will not fear what you are unaware of. If you become more intuitive and find your dreams haunted by dark imagery because you are becoming more and more aware of the workings of the darkness, and it raises fear within you, this will only make life much more challenging and unpleasant. It will create new challenges steadily in needing to discern what might be your own fear, given your growing awareness of the wide range of dark possibilities, and in knowing what might be a vision of the future that is accurate. Even with a strong feeling it is the latter in a given instance, seeing a future catastrophe, whether on a personal level or a larger canvas, leaves you with a quandary of what to do about it. That is a lot to take on, a heavy, heavy, burden that would be too much for many people and would certainly change your life significantly and unavoidably. Just as people who live blessed lives with few problems can skate along quite happily compared to those who struggle with huge issues and complicated debilitating adverse circumstances, being psychic means you will share the burdens of the downtrodden, the disadvantaged, the victims and those in peril not yet harmed, but soon to be, at least as a likelihood. Given the highly volatile nature of the future life projection of current reality, it is a quite complicated matter to do meaningful forecasting because many things foreseen will simply never play out due to the volatility that will eventually prevent them from happening at all, and substituted by something else. So this is a talent of mixed benefit, to be sure, and not something worth spending much time and effort attempting to cultivate. For those in whom it is a natural gift it is often as much a curse as a blessing.