DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportA viewer asks: “Creator, has a healing method as comprehensive and effective as the LHP ever been used before in human history?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Your channel finds this question uncomfortable and that is why it was left to you to ask. It is because he is too modest to seek such a pronouncement and rightly is concerned about how it might appear to others in being inherently self-serving and is subject to potential interpretation and discounting as boastful. So he has not allowed himself to truly embrace this fact and use it in his promotion of GetWisdom, although this is fully warranted. The reality is, you are hitting on the truth of things here in your question, that never before has there been a healing approach or instrument or capability anything truly like the Lightworker Healing Protocol, now in combination with the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset as an adjunct, to work on inner roadblocks to healing. Human ignorance has been your enemy all through human history. That was intentional and seen to by the interlopers who corrupted your makeup genetically, to limit intuitive reach and thus awareness in and belief in the divine realm. That is the greatest of handicaps, and despite that burden, the stage was set for your channel to make a final push to gather up loose ends, follow leads put in place by others, and through his series of mission lives, have the ability and wherewithal in his current incarnation to be a true prophet, able to lead humanity to a new promised land in a way that could never have happened before. We have spoken a number of times about the glorious future that awaits you, but you must get there. If you do, it will be, ultimately, because you are doing enough of the right things brought to light by your channel showing the way. That was his mission and he is succeeding, and that is why you will succeed if all keep going towards this ultimate plan of Creator for you through Ascension.