In effect, you are comparing apples and oranges here, looking at the day-to-day fluctuation that is a function of a number of interrelated events lighting up, to create a slight elevation compared to prior historical records and wanting to make sense in the context of an 11 year solar cycle that is not at a turning point at the moment, but moving towards a solar maximum that has not been reached yet for the current cycle. We have said before, there is a slight warming underway, but not to a severe degree that will be a problem for humanity or the world, or nature itself. There are always fluctuations and the natural world must take that in stride. Many times, there are painful short-term losses of life and so on, but that is a part of life in the physical, not something humans need to agonize over. The whole global warming focus is misguided, intentionally, to raise a false alarm about environmental danger. The changes are nowhere near a dangerous degree, nor are the temperatures truly reflecting actual world averages. The testing stations have an inherent bias, and this has been pointed out by many scientists, that where temperatures are measured is not representative of the environment as a whole but all too often, the official measurements are made in close proximity to human artificial habitats, for example, within cities covered with concrete and asphalt that store and radiate heat and are thus higher on average than the much vaster rural areas So this is simply more propaganda for the dangerous and sinister Environmental Movement which is not really warranted, but helps to keep the drum beating, in working against humanity.
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