DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerA viewer asks: “Continuing with the theme that we can augment exercise by giving a concerted effort twice a week and having Creator apply the effort every day, can we expand it even more? For example, if one day we spend hours with a most valiant and impressive exercise load such as yoga, cardio, and then lifting weights with intensity, can we have this energy be applied every day for the next coming weeks or even month? How long and how much can Source Creator use this energy and apply it? My point being, how long can we stretch this one day of exercise to the max before having to reapply the exercise effort again?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
We appreciate what you are wanting to see happen—greater capability and effectiveness working to your advantage, with a more occasional effort expended through exercise that is onerous and difficult for many people with the possible exception of the dedicated athletes, bodybuilders, and the young aggressive types who revel in their physicality. The problem is we cannot make an assumption that might be good for one person out of a hundred, or one person out of a thousand, because that would teach many, many others to rely, falsely, on what their prayers might do in their case. This is why, in answering the questions of your channel about augmenting exercise, we used the example of being able to spread the benefits of a twice-weekly exercise regimen to cover the intervening five days among those workouts as a good average, and thus is safe for the majority of people to follow with confidence as a regular effective regimen. This is what we must do to serve all and not favor the few who might be blessed with extra reach, spiritually. What we would say is, if the current exercise regimen is too strenuous, the best answer is not to try to get a longer divine backup period, to project that into your future, but moderate your workouts to a level that is more tolerable and practical in length, but do so twice per week because that will quite likely be all that is needed to keep the body healthy. Exercise is like a magic tonic compared to what happens in its absence, but high‑level excessive exercise, as with serious athletes, does not necessarily prolong their longevity because they, like everyone, have much negative karma that will come into play regardless of their physical health and wellbeing. They, too, can be undermined from within and develop chronic maladies that are life-threatening and life-shortening. So it is not possible to forestall all sources of adversity by putting a large effort into exercise and having a way to add that to a kind of bank account. Exercise is of value mostly in keeping a level playing field and not incurring ongoing deficits that make the person vulnerable, as opposed to any practical need for becoming superhuman.