DWQA QuestionsCategory: Interdimensional ActivityA viewer asks: “Can you tell me what the truth is about the Mothman sightings in Virginia USA? What is the Mothman, is it a real being? Where does it come from? Is there more than one being?”
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
This is a tulpa, a kind of spirit visualization of a former entity and its energy being re-expressed in the current timeline. As such, it appears to interact with the environment as it would if it were a contemporary being, but it is a kind of phantom. So it is not something that is traceable with technology nor will it have a real future in creating new phenomena, it is only a kind of remnant of prior existence, energetically. So it is a ghost-like image. It can seem quite real because it is real, after all, being truly a form of energy reflecting a real being. This is something that is prehistoric and so does not have a common contemporary version and a corresponding understanding that could explain it as fitting into known life forms of today. As with other prehistoric creatures and the occasional sightings, it is something that can happen because there is a large storehouse of such energies, as is true of human experiencing that can reemerge as well and become visible at times, both to the naked eye as well as cameras doing surveillance.