DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA viewer asks: “Can Creator explain where Lost Souls end up and why they cannot cross into the light?” Can Creator give us a tutorial on the origin, plight, and range of outcomes for human lost soul spirits?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
Although we have talked about the dilemma of lost soul spirits many, many times over the years, it can be useful to give a quick overview that will help as an introduction for newcomers to the discussion as well as a reminder for those who know about the phenomenon but have not had to reckon with it directly. Sooner or later this will become relevant to the lives of everyone, whether because of a loved one or their own trajectory in their soul journey. To start from the big picture, humans were created to be a force for the light in reckoning with the rise of evil in the physical plane. So you were created and configured to incarnate as an animal, in effect, by being in an animal-type physical body, in a series of incarnations to take on the challenges of living in the physical and retaining a connection to your spiritual origins as a counterforce for the rise of evil among the worlds of physical beings in your galaxy. That has taken place over billions of years now and humans are a young group of beings brought into the fray but in better shape to dive in and be a spiritual force for good among the sentient beings in the physical realm. So the mechanics of the endeavor mean that your consciousness, as an extension of your soul, must become implanted in utero within a fetus and delivered as a living baby to join the party. Because the human being has only a finite practical lifespan, given the limitations of the physical and the many hazards that degrade function over time, there will inevitably be death in your future, but your consciousness, as an extension of your soul that is immortal, will live on and will emerge from your deceased body on its expiration. Normally and ideally, this would be followed quickly by a return to the heavenly realm and, to this end, we always send light callers to greet the departed soul extensions who may be disoriented as with a sudden passing, or from a state of dishevelment if their life was a difficult one and they died in a traumatic way following a debilitating or painful chronic illness, as a victim of accident, suicide, or criminal mistreatment, or simply had a long period of suffering and decline prior to their passing as is commonplace with aging. Being a nonbeliever can be an obstacle through lack of preparation and harboring negative beliefs and skepticism. One of the difficulties of life in the physical is that your consciousness will be functionally disconnected from communication with us directly or even with your own higher self at a soul level. We see and hear you perfectly, everything you think, feel, and experience, but you will most likely not be aware of us, your higher self and the Creator, and other beings of light assigned to help support your life, such as the guardian angels and spirit guides, who act as consultants and caregivers at times if you request divine help. The human culture has been under pressure, almost from the very beginning, by extraterrestrials and dark spirits who fell from grace long ago and plague the physical plane as a kind of predator. They need to have the energy of the living to survive, and when they attach to people can undermine them from within, and are a destructive influence encouraging evil, and that is hugely damaging in many cases. This is why people can be tipped into madness, it is their dark spirits causing their delusional thinking in most cases. Such dark influences cause people to harm one another. Anything damaging, from within or without, will create a karmic imprint and will be recorded on the akashic records for all of time as a trauma, and its energetic signature represents a deficit that resulted in lowering your vibration by taking you out of divine alignment, whether done by others or self-inflicted. All of the slings and arrows of life will be cumulative and will tend to compound the damage. This will also make you vulnerable to the Law of Karma seeing you are out of alignment and then bringing forth energy from another lifetime of a similar low vibration and adding that in as an incentive to reckon with it and find a way to heal it by restoring what was missing. Most people let their problems pile up because they do not know of a way to fix it, and will not understand what is wrong on a conscious level, and so are at a huge disadvantage in dealing with the difficulties of life in a positive way that will help them gain ground rather than lose it. This is why so many people at the end of life have fallen behind and it becomes a tragedy that, on their passing, they may be in such a low vibration they cannot even see the light callers who come to greet them and escort them back to the light. Instead, they may flounder in the darkness disoriented, alone, and lost because their normal senses died with the body and they are not used to using their intuitive ability to perceive things. This will not only be confusing but deeply horrifying for many. That results in a further hurdle because it is likely to further weaken them, and lower the vibration further, taking them more away from divine alignment. There are many possible experiences for being in limbo as a lost soul human spirit. Many flounder on their own, some are dimly aware of the environment but will not perceive it accurately enough to be able to navigate, and may well stay trapped at their site of death because they simply do not know how to leave and go elsewhere. They may end up attempting to repeat what they had been doing prior to death over and over again in a kind of ritual. Human lost soul spirits are typically attacked by what we term "spirit meddlers." These are fallen angelic beings described in the Bible as "demonic" because they became truly evil from their long-term disconnection from us. They have lost their way and work against the light, causing harm and treating people savagely, making them call forth greater energy that the dark spirits siphon away, to keep themselves going as parasites. This, as you can imagine, worsens things greatly if lost soul spirits also have demonic spirit meddlers attached to them. So lost soul human spirits will often find their way to the energy of the living and attach themselves to a living person. This is most often a loved one because their thoughts will carry them to that person, and their desire to be with them will be recognized, and they will most likely be invited in by the deep subconscious level of the loved one extending a helping hand. The unfortunate consequence is that a disoriented and disheveled lost soul spirit will be a risk to their host, even if it is a cherished loved one, because this will confuse the body, having the presence of two separate consciousnesses. The negativity of a troubled lost soul spirit will rub off and undermine the host, inevitably, to some extent, and that can be a serious detriment in many cases. Even when attached to a loved one, the lost soul spirit may not understand they are within the energy of a loved one, and so are still lost, in effect, and their negativity will be felt by their host and not understood consciously, as their emotions will change because they will darken. The person will feel sad and uncertain, and perhaps worse, and this will be complicated to deal with. This situation, of being host to a kind of parasite, is all the more dangerous and a source of difficulty when the lost soul spirit being harbored is antagonistic. When people pick up the lost soul spirit of a departing criminal or victim of suicide, or someone who was schizophrenic, the imprinting of that life experience will still be within the consciousness of the lost soul spirit and will thus be a true hazard taking up residence within the energy of their host. Just as loved ones can find one another in the dark, so to speak, enemies can do so as well. Animosity and hatred, bitterness, regret, and thoughts of revenge experienced through consciousness can carry a lost soul spirit to be with the target of their ill will and, if taken aboard unwittingly by a living person, is like taking poison because their new spirit attachment can attack them in a tangible way if it is within their energy field. It can undermine the body, as well as the mind, through a campaign of negativity emanating from the consciousness of their deceased enemy now within them. Because people are disconnected from the awareness of the largest part of their mind, which is the deep subconscious, the ongoing torment, by having spirit attachments, will cause negative emotions in the body and distortions of thought indirectly, but will not be understood consciously so the person really has no clue why they are out of sorts and things are getting worse. This is why the divine realm is needed, because we are uniquely able to deal with such circumstances directly in rescuing lost soul spirits and returning them to the heavenly realm. Whether they are tumbling in the dark or attached to a living person or an animal, we can bring healing when requested to help raise their vibration until inevitably, at some point, they will be able to see and work with the light callers and be escorted back to the heavenly realm. Many lost soul spirits are lost in the dark for years, or even decades or longer, especially when they are further degraded through continual attacks from spirit meddlers. There is a large body of lost souls that traces back through the course of time, for the entire existence of humanity, and they are still awaiting rescue. We are working steadily to save them but it is an incremental process so far. The key is how far gone an individual spirit might be and what it might take in the way of healing, directly and indirectly, to raise them up sufficiently to effect a rescue. It can also take a good long while to rescue a lost soul spirit attached to a living person. The attraction between spirit and host, whether arising from bonds of love or hate, will be a strong factor governing how rapidly we can change things for the better. It always is best to begin to heal that lost soul spirit so it can fully transition, and it is always better for the human who has attached loved ones, for them to move on and return to the light because it is almost always more a negative experience than a positive one, because their loved one is not truly themselves but in a troubled state, and that will be perceived in one way or another, if only having bad dreams at times from an indirect perception of the struggle within. The key to turning things for the better is someone from the human side asking for divine assistance. We cannot step in unilaterally and take charge, and force spirits to complete their transition even though it would rescue them from much torment, being lost in limbo, just as we cannot save someone in the living, who is in the depths of despair, from their anguish, and perhaps living a lifelong nightmare of suffering, loneliness, and despair. We must be invited to help and there must be a willingness to change. Much can be done through the higher self, but there are limits to what the higher self can do without someone from the physical side requesting that more be done. When people or a lost soul spirit are in no position to help themselves, there must be an advocate to speak for them. This is what GetWisdom does with its outreach, and the practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset do routinely to help their clients, especially members of the Divine Life Support service, on a regular basis, to help them stay free of spirit attachments of all kinds and, at the same time, help those spirits who are lost continue on their soul journey and make progress instead of being in a dark place. It is a blessing to help the needy, even if they are a deeply troubled being who made a mistake and embraced evil and now are suffering an extreme state of disconnection because of their departure from divine alignment. It is a mark of divinity that practitioners of the protocols can love and embrace the challenge to help in raising up the lost. Contributing in any way to this enterprise, to help the self or others, is a karmic blessing to the charitable who have belief in the divine and awareness of this large and growing need as an important part of saving and healing humanity. That is the charter for human beings. It is why you were created. It is why you are here living in the physical. You came to help. It is a tragedy that so few know their true role and how to make the best of their time in the physical in helping themselves and others with healing. That is the path to enlightenment, it is a healing journey of restoration. It is far better to start while among the living to raise up the self and one's loved ones. That will help guard against becoming a lost soul spirit and will help others in the bargain because all healing work becomes shared, in the end, with many others in correcting the karmic trauma brought about by the many influencers encountered in the course of a lifetime. Using the protocols launches divine love in the highest and best way to raise up and advance the cause of everyone, everywhere.