DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine CautionA viewer asks: “Because it sounds like Disclosure will be happening before the extraterrestrials leave us alone to go on a break, should we be preparing our loved ones in any way for the Disclosure before it happens? Or are we better off just letting it unfold and explaining what is happening at the time? What does Creator have to say about this?”
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
This is not a question that can be answered in a particular fashion that is suitable for all individuals and circumstances. People vary widely in their trust in others who might convey such information, as well as their ability to absorb it objectively and not be challenged by an internal resistance through prior subconscious programming to reject any such notion out of hand. Keep in mind, all of society has been subjected to such mind control messaging for generations in order to keep the alien presence a secret. One of the ironies here is that the extraterrestrials will be going against their own prior programming in wanting to get humanity to accept their presence and see them as a savior in the bargain. That is a lot to arrange happening given the prior programming to disbelieve anything related to extraterrestrial influence or presence on your planet. Many persons like yourself will be taking risks with friends and even family by advancing such a bizarre notion. So much would depend on how the information is conveyed. Most often it will be unwise to give the whole story, and for this, people will have trouble knowing where to draw the line and may well trigger a backlash if they exceed tolerable limits because of prior disbelief and resistance. So this is a judgment call that will have to be made with respect to every person and circumstance. We advise caution. After all, there is nothing an individual can do about this in advance without knowing and embracing the whole story of the agenda and an understanding of the tools of GetWisdom capable of making a difference—from Empowered Prayer to the healing protocols, learning to become a healer oneself, or relying on Divine Life Support membership. Most people will not be open to the kind of tutorial needed to get them to those stages of personal development where they can be a change agent on behalf of society, so most people will be a deer in the headlights when Disclosure is launched. While advanced preparation would be ideal, it is difficult to see to this in an effective way. What we usually recommend for people, regarding the information of GetWisdom, is to spread some breadcrumbs and see how an individual responds in order to gauge their readiness for more detail. So it is possible to plant some seeds for those you care about, to perhaps allude to talk of such a possibility, and that you have heard there might be something like that happen, which is actually a deception, because there are differing opinions about whether there is an alien presence and whether it is good or bad, and that what most people would like to see happen may not be the reality of things, and then move on. That may be the best you can do but will still involve risk, so you will need to take responsibility in how you go about it and the consequences. Most people will simply not be open to the possibility of such a thing happening. If you simply state you have heard people talk about that and you have some inner distrust about whether that might be a deception if it happens, and will at least signal that you might be someone who they could discuss this with at a future time if they recall the exchange, and so you might help set yourself up to be a go-to person and help them reach out to you later. That might be the best you can hope for in most cases, and you will not know who is ready and who might not be.