DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsA viewer asks: “Author Mauro Biglino says the Old Testament, rather than being a record of divine revelation, is an account of interactions between ancient Israelites and advanced technology beings. He says the Old Testament records actions of a leader with advanced technology that ancient people could not understand. He posits that Elohim reflect a pantheon of powerful beings who interacted with humanity, each with their own specific roles and territories, and Yahweh was one among these beings assigned to oversee the Israelites. His analysis appears to align well with GetWisdom’s information on the long-term manipulation of humanity. As such, has he been seen as a threat to the Extraterrestrial Alliance which they want to ‘remove?'” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
They do not see such thinking as a threat. They like to see a wide array of perspectives and beliefs because it keeps everyone doubting when there is not a universal agreement. If anything, it tends to undermine faith because many would see that as evidence God does not exist, as you know us to be, and they enjoy pulling the rug out from under people to darken their lives and take away hope.