DWQA QuestionsCategory: Animal IssuesA viewer asks: “As you may recall at the very end of 2017, at a fairly advanced age my prior dog hemorrhaged from a liver tumor and I took him in for emergency surgery. He passed but not before we tried everything including a blood transfusion. Listening to the LHP webinar yesterday you touched on the undesirability of transfusions because of the additional karma from the donor. I had forgotten that I had approved that transfusion actually in terms of implication for his new lifetime as my current dog! You confirmed that he is indeed back from the light which was so great to hear. In terms of his life now at almost 5 and 1/2 years old, he’s done great but I often think to myself that he’s somehow less affectionate and connected to me this time around even though maybe many other things are much improved. Unlike during his last lifetime, he doesn’t chase cars or buses or skateboarders etc (except from behind a fence at the dog park which is awesome), he doesn’t guard his food and is a great companion and role model or mentor for his daughter puppy. Is the extra karmic load received during the transfusion somehow resolved by the countless LHPs before he passed and then since then, or is it involved in the less passionate sort of experience I have between the two of us? I always noticed that he doesn’t give kisses and is so so about hugs.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
We can reassure you that the effects of transfusion for canines are not as serious a liability as with humans. And that is because they are less troubled beings than humans and have much better ability to heal as they go, so that karmic insults have a less dire impact on their future, including future incarnations. That is the case with human beings who rarely heal their big problems while in the physical, and that being the case, will inherit them on returning in a new incarnation. That is not to say they will be identical as people, either, and that is true for canines. They will have a new configuration overlay as a part of their soul extension just like with people. They are not clones of their prior selves. There will be some characteristics shared in common, but the purpose of life is for exploration and expansion of possibilities, so getting in a rut is not part of the plan, but rather the opposite, to try varied lifestyles and a series of incarnations to broaden experience and variety. So not only arriving in different times and settings to begin a new incarnation, but having a somewhat differing mix of soul attribute expression levels will ensure a corresponding variety of consequences and challenges will take place, and it all contributes to growth and learning through spreading the wings and taking on all comers in terms of life experience. So, it will not be possible to analyze why certain traits might be prominent or less so in terms of the precise mechanisms because variety in the makeup is a built-in feature of the ongoing soul journey lived chapter by chapter in the physical plane.