DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfA viewer asks: “As a member of a few years, I still have some difficulty in understanding the term “the higher self.” What is it? Where is it? How does it help us? How can we connect to it?” Can you give us a tutorial?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
The term "higher self" is very apt because it is descriptive of the essence it represents and the central role, as a part of your being, in helping you fit into not only the world you know of but as a bridge to the beyond and to your future. The higher self is a product of the creation because you are all of a piece in having an independent soul with the wherewithal to have a vast reach and a capacity for learning and growth and expansion, because that is a divine characteristic, and you were created as an extension of our consciousness. We created you to be independent parts of us, but yet still connected, and to have a functional role as part of a large grouping, much like a family, but one much, much vaster than you experience as a physical human being. We created beings like yourselves in order to expand the realm of possibilities. In essence, that which is separate and incomplete will strive for completion and, in the process of creating something new felt to be lacking, an inner drive, an inner yearning, an inner curiosity will come up with things that will likely differ significantly from what another soul-based being will devise and bring into being from its own vantage point and perspectives. Even though each of our creations is less than the totality of our being, this division of responsibility in creating an opportunity for isolation, as separate agents but still having the capability to create, inevitably will foster a widening of possibilities with a myriad of new solutions for filling in the perceived gaps one can see represent something missing, something incomplete, a possibility of something that would be advantageous but not yet in evidence. So all of you are seekers, first and foremost, because that is who we are, all of you are love-based because that is what we are, and all of you are different and unique because we created each one of you as a custom blending and assortment of attributes and capabilities. This is the main reason why people are so varied with respect to their personality, makeup, and appearance. You have much in common but you are individuals because it is designed to be that way. You have individual identities and feel that deep within that you are a discrete individual. So you have a sense of self, an identity, and an ego, a strong part of your makeup that is imbued with a number of characteristics fostering production of energy, drive, and achievement, a natural desire to correct anything amiss to be on top of things, if not ahead of the game, and to hold your own. Because our perspective is always favoring expansion, to never rest on our laurels, so to speak, but strive to do more, that is how we thrive in being a witness to the end result contributed by the many beings in creation. You are currently, as a human being alive in the physical plane, an extension of your soul which, in turn, is an extension of us. The soul is much vaster than you and your current wherewithal as a physical extension. That does not mean you are insignificant; you are simply expressing only a small part of your total being—that is a very important thing to know. You have many dimensions and a vast reach in what you can do, but that is when you are a lightbeing and experiencing that directly. You left the majority of yourself behind to come into the physical. To make that possible there needs to be, always, a maintenance of a soul connection and for that to be practical, in a functional sense, there needs to be an interface that is compatible, both with the soul proper and the physical extension you know as your consciousness, living within a human body. Your conscious awareness is the spirit part of you experienced through your mind as thoughts, and feelings stemming from the body and its reaction to your consciousness, and its utilization of the cells and tissues of the body to sense things and create an experiencing of your immersion in the physical plane and its energies, while within this container you call a physical body. The higher self, as an extension of the soul and interface, resides within the heavenly realm, not in the physical plane. The energy of consciousness forms a connecting link, much like a cord you plug in so there can be energy going back and forth as well as an awareness, to some extent, even by those in the physical. The higher self, being unhindered within the heavenly realm, the higher astral plane, has the reach of a lightbeing able to converse with Creator, to view and explore the akashic records of all that has come before, and to have perceptions of both past and future to stay informed and a part of a wider community of beings as well. There is a sharing and blending of consciousness in a vast collective, and that is a source of useful knowledge but only dimly perceived by the physical extension you experience, but all is open to the higher self. To some extent, this reduced set of capabilities you experience is to provide a testing ground to explore the realm of being not only independent but much less restricted by the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma, to provide feedback and a reckoning for any irregularities. This is a deliberate experiment in expansion, in a sense, to take you off a short leash and allow you to be more free roaming. For that to be real, means it is your responsibility to be accountable and to correct errors of judgment, faulty interactions that cause energetic perturbations, and that encompasses everything that happens, everything that takes place between you and the environment. This is a bold step because it has led to trouble in the past. In this current creation of the universe, the beings have been reconfigured to increase the chance of a more successful widening of independent existence for soul-based beings. In past go-rounds there were failures due to diminished growth and complicating degradations of function because people, and other beings before them, got out of balance and could not find their way back to being in divine alignment. Their free agency and free will was increasingly abused with too great an involvement by the ego leading them to become more self-focused, self-serving, and self-involved to the neglect of others and, at worsening stages, developing intentions that were frankly evil. This is the current state of affairs in your world, that evil has been an ever-present menace and at times overshadows everything and puts the entire enterprise at risk. At some point, we would have to recall and restart everything. Your ability to stand strong, stay in divine alignment, and make your life one of growth, learning, happiness and fulfillment is the true test of whether this Free Will Paradigm can work. The jury is still out because you are confronting a rise in evil that has overtaken the entire galaxy you inhabit. This challenges you constantly and keeps you in a state of enslavement by beings from other worlds who manipulate everything from behind the scenes. This creates many limitations and obstacles of all kinds. It is quite unnatural and does much karmic injury and damage, and has for almost the entire history of humanity, yet you have soldiered on because you still have a link to us and your mission is to solve this problem. We are giving you quite an elaborate description here because it is quite important to understand the big picture so you understand as well, what is at stake, what are the goals here, particularly with respect to where you need to go, and then how you can get there. So this has everything to do with where you are from, what you are made of, and the purpose of your existence. That is a necessary part of the blueprint describing your basic makeup and component parts because each has its role and importance as part of this overall divine plan. The higher self, being the link to your soul within the divine realm, has sovereignty because your soul is sovereign, being an entity in its own right, and although you are a separate being, with many freedoms, it was never the intention for you to be totally separate and disconnected from us, and that is the purpose of the higher self, to provide a bridge for staying connected, with the higher self having a formal charge to be a guide and a functional resource for communication and divine implementation of many kinds of signals and experiences through an ongoing interplay. The role of GetWisdom is to foster developing a stronger and healthier partnership by each individual human being with the Creator of All That Is. This will require an outreach to the divine, from the human side, given the relative state of neglect the culture has arrived at because human beings have been oppressed and suppressed for so long by the dark cabal of aliens in a Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance. They have also commandeered fallen angelics we term "spirit meddlers," who now prey on soul-based beings to get energy rather than carry out their role as helpers for divine business and an adjunct service function for those in the physical realm, as a part of this ongoing free will paradigm. The normal connection between you and your higher self would be a seamless conversation with direct awareness and ongoing discussion and consultation as deemed useful from either end. This is largely impossible because humanity has been corrupted to diminish the connection to the higher self. This is because of a malicious genetic manipulation done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance long, long, ago to dim you down and dumb you down. Your intuitive awareness is needed to communicate with the higher self but that is greatly diminished as a result of the interloper intrusion. A defect was created in the workings of the brain that caused the largest part of your mind to be isolated from the portion you experience as your thoughts. So your conscious self and the upper subconscious experienced, for example, through hypnosis but also moments of reverie, daydreaming, and so on, are perceived as the sum total of your being when this is far from being the case. The functional disconnect from the largest part of your mind leaves it on its own. It can see, think, and feel because it can access the senses. It can also see the akashic records intuitively and look at all of the past lifetimes it has experienced. It is more effective in reaching out beyond the self to do intuitive exploration including some connection to the higher self. But because that is part of the ongoing human dilemma needing repair, like all sources of negativity in the physical plane, according to the rules of engagement we established at the outset, problems within the physical plane need to be solved from within the physical plane, at least to the greatest extent possible, and there are limits to what we can do unilaterally. If we swoop in and save the day, this undercuts your role and, at the same time, short-circuits the test of this paradigm and whether greater freedom is even workable and can be survived without things falling apart because of selfish actions causing growing misalignment with the divine. Because the higher self is, in effect, above it all, residing within the divine realm, it shares our restriction, to not overstep our own rules of engagement, and the necessity for all of you in the physical to work things out largely on your own. So the higher self can be a source of inspiration and guidance, largely through hinting at possible choices to consider, but cannot boldly lead and tell you what to do and give you answers for gaps in knowledge and uncertainty about what to do and how to do it. Much is done during the dream state, for example, in the way of coaching but with a soft touch to be nonleading, only offering examples, encouragement, and reminders to be noticed, and perhaps embraced and acted upon, ideally, but that is left to the physical extension in the incarnated being to decide. So there are major constraints in the use of divine firepower. The most frequent experiencing of your higher self is in acts of conscience when there is wrongdoing on your part or even a consideration of wrongdoing that is tempting. When you feel a pang of conscience, it is your higher self sending you a message, and that is experienced as an inner misgiving, a bad feeling that gets your attention and is designed for you to give pause and ponder what you are doing or about to do. Divine outreach is always very, very subtle and will be perceived most of the time as your own thoughts—that keeps the experiment honest. So what you will hear from us is offerings to consider, not marching orders, and not a perspective that will outshout everything else so as to be unmistakable and, as a consequence, controlling things. But, still, your higher self is your best friend and an authoritative guide, mentor, and facilitator you can call on for assistance. Many prayers are answered by work of the higher self as your chief representative in the divine realm. The best way to foster a partnership with the Creator is to include the higher self as well given that is a functionally discrete part of your being that thinks on its own. Because the paradigm is about that part of you in the physical becoming successful through empowering the truth of the divine to overcome evil, you have a daunting challenge and need partnership with the divine to survive as well as succeed on your mission. If you practice prayer, in reaching out, you can relay requests to your higher self for assistance, guidance, inspiration, healing and protection, just as you can with the Almighty. Because of its charter and the rules of engagement, the power of the higher self is highly limited unless called upon and empowered by you as you are the one in charge. This is your journey of growth and learning to expand your soul's reach, and the success of the enterprise will depend on you, and other physical extensions, to prove that evil can be dealt with as an extreme in adversity. If you fail to achieve that goal, it will call into question the entire construct of everything in the universe, because it will fall short of our goal to have this advancement in freedom and independence succeed by keeping things in balance. So understanding where the higher self fits in, and the true reason you experience life the way you do with all that is taking place that is less than ideal, you will see more clearly how you can have an important role in things. If each individual worked on fixing their corner of the world, success of the enterprise would be guaranteed. As most are still asleep because of their subjugation, the burden falls to those who are awakened to the truth of the divine and have an understanding there is an important role for them to play. When you team up with your higher self and Creator, you step into your true power. In truth, all are part of us, as a kind of extended family. But when problems exist through negativity and discord, they become the responsibility of those on the scene. And right now, you are at the center of the biggest problem in the universe posed by the corruption and degradation of everything in your galaxy, because of the fall from grace long ago of the dark spirits who have worked against love and light and have been successful in corrupting one civilization after another—that is what has befallen your extraterrestrial overseers who have enslaved you. Many dark spirits are influencing the majority of humans currently. This scourge needs to be dealt with. Your purpose is to bring healing to bear, to not only end the madness but heal all of these corrupted beings, even the most far gone and criminal. That will require growth and learning to step into your role as a healer and helper, but that is your destiny and your future, in extending out through the universe, if the paradigm can be widened to encompass more than your galaxy alone. Your soul is immortal, and that is the measure of who you are and your capability—there is much more you can bring to bear and put to good use to carry out a successful mission. Learning as you go, healing yourself through partnership with us, you will not fail.