DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA viewer asks: “Apparently there are two sides to the historic height debate about the Goliath mentioned in the Bible, and one says 10-foot something and the other 6 foot 6. How tall was Goliath, really?”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
We would love to clarify this for you but do not wish to intrude on the human scholars who have devoted much energy and staked their reputations on their particular interpretations of things. So as this is not a matter of great significance, we would prefer to not burst anyone’s bubble and leave this open to human inquiry and the scholarly pursuit of truth to fight it out, so to speak, without taking sides here. The most we can say is that Goliath’s stature was not equal to the average Anunnaki range of 12 to 15 feet tall, as a consequence of the fact he was not a full-blood Anunnaki but rather a first‑generation hybrid of a pairing with a human female and accordingly, the height was significantly diminished. Nonetheless, the height was extraordinary and exceeded significantly the maximum height for human beings of that period in history, and so was truly a giant by any conventional standards and was a quite impressive individual by not only being tall, but endowed with a massive frame and heavy musculature, making him quite a formidable combat foe and enough to intimidate an army, in fact, and thereby hangs a tale. In this case, the tale is a true one and of great spiritual significance as a parable for all of time about taking on the seemingly impossible and winning the day despite all odds with strength of spiritual conviction within, through a belief in Creator’s love and the importance of truth prevailing over the darkness.