DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA viewer asks about his young daughter’s passing: “When she decided to go, it was in the moment, but a plan was made some time before. At the time of her passing, she did not seem to be greatly in distress. Was that decision made by her higher self in seeing that there would be a future time of struggling?” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
This is as good a way to view it as any. The discussions had been underway for some time with the higher self, and what was needed to formalize things was for there to be a kind of crystallization of thinking, that the timing was right for a change in direction. As you can imagine, the decision to transition is not done on a whim but for serious and compelling reasons. In the case of this young girl, the suffering was real and was countered by the gains made to provide a healing process for the parents as well, being involved with her difficult life and the challenges it brought to everyone. This is the plight of those who are under the weight of a huge karmic burden that becomes life‑limiting; they will, in turn, be a burden to all those around them as caregivers. So there are always group decisions and consideration given to the needs of each individual who is affected. This will be difficult for those in the physical to understand, just as it is somewhat difficult for the light being to fully appreciate what it is like to be a physical human living with such limited awareness and many constraints on personal power. The insight there would be future difficulties, as an important factor in the decision to leave, is an accurate recounting because it was important in the sequence of events. The cost of the journey must always be weighed, in terms of the ultimate destiny. What is unappreciated here is that the suffering, inconvenience, disappointment, and heartache, seeing one loved so deeply in a state of limitation and incapacity, was an accepted trade-off to be in a position to gain a tremendous level of karmic repair and healing being launched in a way that is more powerful than ever before possible. That healing will continue to work on her behalf, on multiple timelines, and will be enough to guarantee a better future and a resolution of all of the difficulties that conspired to impair her recent life in the physical. So there was not a compelling need to continue marking time, and witnessing the struggle of her physical existence with impairments, for that healing to be brought to bear and pave the way to her future, because much could be done retrocausally. So this was not simply a desire to escape, or a failure to keep up the good fight but surrender instead. It was a carefully planned and orchestrated eventuality that will serve all involved in a way that is highest and best. The fact that it would inevitably cause pain of loss is simply an unavoidable cost in the near-term to achieve that long‑term goal of healing for all in the family.