This is a direct benefit of the prior healing. Many of the foibles exhibited by companion animals are the karmic consequences of prior difficulties being around people and being mistreated or being forced into unnatural circumstances causing chronic tension and anxiety. The animal is then caught between a rock and a hard place, so to speak, wanting to please its human companions or any humans it may depend on while having natural instincts and bodily needs as well. This creates often a tension and anxiety from having needs but an inability to fulfill them because they are often quite dependent on humans to serve them and this may be quite uneven and unfair a large part of the time. This creates karmic woundings that will carry over, so a young puppy is not fresh and unspoiled, it is arriving on the heels of prior lifetimes of difficulty and stress, and that will show up in the current life many times unless enough healing is done for the karmic woundings of the past.
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