DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA viewer asks about an injury to a Detroit Lions kicker: “Veteran kicker Michael Badgley suffered an injury on Thursday getting ready for practice, Lions head coach Dan Campbell announced Friday morning. Campbell said the injury will require surgery and Badgley will be placed on injured reserve and miss the season. “I feel awful for Badgley, man,” Campbell said. “He worked his tail off to get ready for this season and he was having a good spring and was ready for camp. It’s tough.” He tore his hamstring muscle during practice warmups. Practice warmups? How does that happen?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
You are correct in seeing there is something fishy here in a major career-altering injury happening during warm-up exercises, not even a practice session done with game-level intensity. This was done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance who are simply shuffling the deck as they do routinely in human affairs. They take people out of action in all walks of life throughout human institutions and activities. To do so for a pro football player during practice helps the cover story, that such things just happen and there is nothing sinister about it, when, in fact, it was induced by an outside extraterrestrial energy weapon attack to cause tissue injury in the athlete, just as effectively as if an alien appeared and severed his tendon with a knife.