You are thinking along the right lines here in wanting to do your best and to do right in your role of helper, as a divine representative and lightworker, as is the potential for all human beings who incarnate. You are not being warned that there is something unstated causing a risk for you. You are simply being given the boilerplate routine injunction to be diligent and work in earnest to maintain your divine alignment, knowing that there are many temptations and many sources of stress that will weaken resolve and increase vulnerability to being harmed or making a misstep that leads to harm. This is necessary because of free will. In other words, we cannot give you our blessing and say you are a fine upstanding representative of the light and leave the impression you have made the grade and can rest on your laurels and need not worry, no matter what you might think or do in the future, because you are somehow grandfathered in and will be given a pass. That is really not the case because every moment of every day you are on the firing line and subject to the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," as said famously, so we were only wanting to caution you to watch your step because we cannot guarantee your divine alignment, it is up to you. And so this is true for everyone, the need to pay attention, be on the watch, be determined, and be dutiful to the soul journey you are engaged with, to give it your all, to strive to be the best human you can, because it will pay many dividends for you on the way to helping the rest of the human family and beyond.
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