In truth, the use of artificial substances to modify biology of dairy cows is an adulteration of their natural functioning. But this is not a huge problem or risk in the same way that many chemicals are added to food directly, as with colorants, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, and so on, being artificial and thus a potential problem. We are on record as recommending people strictly avoid any foods subjected to genetic modification, and for the reason that is a more serious adulteration because it will affect all parts of the plants subject to such modification, and when ingested, the human diners will be taking on the artificial chemistry they comprise. In the case of the dairy cows, they will not, themselves, be consumed by large numbers of humans, in contrast to their milk being generated and spread widely to human recipients which will not contain the original chemicals and result in a dangerous exposure through use of dairy products. So this is, essentially, a disinformation campaign to simply cause fear and divisiveness, and the economic consequences being destructive, serves the interests of the interlopers, not public safety.
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