DWQA QuestionsCategory: High Level Psychic Attacks, CursesA viewer asks: “A few months ago my closest friend, who is interested in the paranormal and has had many uncanny experiences happen to her, went on a vicious rant against me via text message saying anything she could think of to hurt me. This included threatening psychic attack. The strangest part is that this all came out of nowhere. A few days later she apologized and said she didn’t know what came over her. Although I miss my friend, this wasn’t the first time that she had lashed out at me unfairly, and while I forgive her, I decided I can’t be close to her and we haven’t spoken. This evening I came home and found a book she had given me had fallen off the shelf. What does this signify?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
This is a message to you via your higher self and arranged through a spirit guide to bring you reassurance that we are watching over you and do, indeed, have your back, so to speak. The meaning is thus unmistakable, that a higher power can assist you in your on-again off-again relationship with this individual, and that was shown to you symbolically with, in a sense, the ejection of her gift from your collection. That is not to say you need to get rid of the book in question. It is just our way of validating we are listening to you and wanting to answer your requests for help. So this has nothing to do with her and her potential to attack you, so you can ease your mind. We did it knowing you would ask about it because of the strange seeming coincidence of finding a book she gifted on the floor with no seeming explanation other than perhaps a genuine psychic attack of some sort. So that is the double meaning of our message, to make it unmistakable that our intervention has to do with her threat to reach out from a distance to attack you energetically. So we created the semblance of that in an indirect way to a common object connecting the two of you. You can rest assured you can count on the divine to always answer the call as best we can.