DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindA student, [name withheld], asks: I have been receiving “not safe to dowse” signals with my pendulum for months. I wonder why?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This is the view of your inner subconscious mind and it is using that opportunity to signal you its fears. You have deep inner programming and blocks about doing forbidden activities, and this will be seen as creating risks for you. Your subconscious is weighing in to signal its discomfort. It is not that you are doing anything wrong, it is that you are in a state of vulnerability. This is from prior programming by the extraterrestrials to keep you constrained. They regard you as their property and do not wish you to grow and become independent. Anything you do for self-improvement and healing raises you up and they do not wish to see that happen with their subjects. This is a typical situation for many, many, people who have been exploited by them in the past. You always have choices in how to spend your time and what to do. We would not recommend stopping your healing journey in service to interlopers. Even though there may be some attempt to dissuade you, it need not be serious, more of an annoyance.