DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA student asks: “Where the Lightworker Healing Protocol requests you to “remove negativity from outside attacks” could that statement also include removal of self-created negativity?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This could be included, but is very vague and not specific. It is very broad, which is fine, but it does duplicate the other parts of the Protocol designed to work on their karmic history and the build-up of negative thought forms, as well as psychic attacks. The latter includes all self-generated psychic attacks as well. So we would say that this issue is already amply covered by the Protocol. The statement is truly to address outside attacks because that needs to be included specifically, as many of the requests for healing are directed at self-imposed negativity. After all, that is the most serious and powerful source of problems by far in undermining human well-being. Even with all the interlopers can do, people harm themselves much more grievously, and that is primarily because of their ability to stand above the divine realm in the hierarchy of control of things. Whatever they do and say has the word of law, and the divine realm cannot stop it or undo it and its negative consequences, unless there is a specific request to take care of this. So that is why every step of the healing will encompass these sources of self-generated difficulty, as it is crucial to the enterprise as a whole. So this is well-supported and need not be added to.